Current or Previously Enrolled
Current PLPSD Students Wishing to Transfer Within Division
If your child is currently enrolled in the Portage la Prairie School Division and you wish to transfer them within the division, no new registration is required. Please contact your child's current school for assistance.
Former PLPSD Students
Registered during or after the 2022-23 school year
If your child is not a current PLPSD student but was previously enrolled in PLPSD during or after the 2022-23 school year, registration is not necessary. Please contact your designated catchment area school. School staff will provide you with further instructions on completing the registration process.
Registered prior to the 2022-2023 school year
If your child is not a current PLPSD student but was previously enrolled BEFORE the 2022-23 school (not during), please fill out the online registration form for the current school year or call your school for registration information.