Registration FAQs

Students must attend the school within the catchment area where they reside unless they are registering for French Immersion. Click to View Catchment Area Maps.

Please see more information in Policy JBA-R, but note that some recent changes have been made for Grade 4 English students at  École Crescentview School attending École Arthur Meighen School. Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, Fort la Reine School will be a  K-8 school.

For the 2024-25 school year, children must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2024.

For French Immersion, please register under École Arthur Meighen School (K-8) or Portage Collegiate Institute (9-12). 

If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact the school you are registering at. All Kindergarten registrations must be registered at the catchment area school, except for French Immersion. 

The Schools of Choice initiative facilitates parental/student choice, within limits, in selecting the public school best suited to the student’s learning requirements. If planning to make an application for School of Choice, first proceed with online registration based upon current residence catchment –  then follow instructions on how to apply for School of Choice.  PLPSD requires parents and guardians to submit School of Choice by April 30. 

Guardians of Students in Care wishing to register them in the Portage la Prairie School Division, must please contact Director of Student Services, Rochelle Rands at 204-857-8756.

Parents or Guardians of students living in the Keeshkeemaquah area wishing to register them in the Portage la Prairie School Division must please contact Bill Beauchamp, Principal,  at Long Plain School at 204-252-2326 or call the PLPSD office at 204-857-8756.

If your child is new to Canada and has not yet been registered for school in Manitoba, please contact EAL Consultant, Kendra McKenzie  through email or call 204-857- 3405 for assistance in compiling the required documentation before completing the online registration process.

If you are registering for the Mature Student Program (MSP) at Portage Collegiate Institute, please stop the online process and go to the West Office of the PCI brick building to complete MSP Registration. 

A copy of the birth certificate is required. Please bring any other required documents if applicable such as Custody papers and/or School of Choice form to the catchment area school to complete the next registration step.